Review grant guidelines

Before applying for a grant, it is important to review the grant guidelines provided by BTA to ensure that your project meets the eligibility criteria and aligns with the mission and values of the organization.

Check eligibility

Before submitting a grant request, please ensure that your project aligns with the mission and values of BTA and meets the funding criteria outlined above. Also, ensure that your project uses decentralized technologies for social good.

Prepare a grant proposal

To apply for a grant, you will need to submit a grant proposal that outlines the project’s goals, methods, budget, timeline, and potential impact. The proposal should also explain how the project aligns with BTA’s mission and values and how it uses decentralized technologies for social good. You can use our grant proposal template as a guide.

Submit the grant proposal

Once you have prepared your grant proposal, you can submit it through our online application portal. We encourage applicants to submit proposals well in advance of the deadline to allow time for review and feedback.

Review process

Once we receive your grant proposal, we will review it based on the funding criteria outlined above. We may also seek feedback from external experts in the field. If your proposal passes our initial review, we will invite you to a more in-depth interview.


During the interview, we will discuss your project in more detail and ask questions about your proposal. We may also request additional information or clarification at this stage.

Approval process

After the interview, we will evaluate your proposal further and make a decision based on the funding criteria outlined above. If we approve your grant request, we will send you a grant agreement outlining the terms of the grant.


Once your grant request is approved, we will communicate with you regularly throughout the grant period to monitor progress and provide support as needed. We may also request periodic updates and reports on the project’s progress.

Grant disbursement

We will disburse the grant funds according to the terms of the grant agreement. We will also provide guidance on how to use the funds effectively and report on their use.

Project completion

At the end of the grant period, we will review the project’s results and impact. We will also request a final report summarizing the project’s achievements and outcomes.

Future opportunities

If your project is successful, we may consider future funding opportunities to support its continued development and impact.

We strive to make our grant application process as transparent and accessible as possible.

If you have any questions or need additional support, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


To be eligible for a grant from BTA, the applicant must be a registered nonprofit organization or a team of open-source, decentralized technology researchers, developers, educators, or promoters working on a project that has the potential to generate social and economic benefits, particularly in Switzerland, the southern countries of Europe, and in the Balkan region. Projects should be focused on the development and promotion of open-source software and technologies that support decentralized systems.

Project Requirements

The proposed project must be well-defined, innovative, and have the potential to generate measurable impact. The project must be aligned with the mission and values of BTA, and it must be executed in an ethical and transparent manner. All research results and outputs must be released under an open-source license and be freely available to the public.

Funding Criteria

The Borderless Tech Association (BTA) is committed to supporting innovative projects that use decentralized technologies for social good. We consider the following criteria when evaluating grant proposals


We seek projects that are novel, innovative, and have the potential to advance the field of open-source and decentralized technologies. We encourage applicants to propose new solutions to pressing social challenges, and to explore the full potential of decentralized technologies.


We prioritize projects that have a clear plan and budget, and that demonstrate the necessary skills and resources to execute the project successfully. We also consider the feasibility of the proposed solution and the likelihood of achieving the project’s goals.


We look for projects that have the potential to generate significant social and economic benefits, particularly for underserved communities. We prioritize projects that address important social challenges and that have the potential to create positive change at scale.


We prioritize projects that align with the mission and values of BTA, and that demonstrate a commitment to transparency, ethics, and open-source principles. We seek to support projects that promote decentralization, innovation, and accessibility, and that empower individuals to control their own data, assets, and identities.


We seek projects that have a clear plan for sustainability beyond the grant period, including potential partnerships, revenue streams, and future funding opportunities. We prioritize projects that have a long-term vision and that demonstrate a commitment to creating lasting social impact.

Funding Limits

BTA grants typically range from CHF 10,000 to CHF 50,000, although higher amounts may be considered for exceptional proposals.

Reporting Requirements

Grantees will be required to submit progress reports and financial statements on a regular basis, as well as a final report at the end of the grant period. BTA may also conduct site visits to monitor project progress and provide technical assistance as needed.

Evaluation Criteria

BTA will evaluate each grantee based on their ability to achieve the project objectives, generate measurable impact, and comply with the reporting and evaluation requirements. Grantees that demonstrate strong performance may be considered for additional funding opportunities.